IEA EBC Annex 84: Industry Workshop: Demand response and digitalization of demand side in district heating and cooling systems.

September 15, 2022, 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM UTC+2
AAU Science & Innovation Hub (SIH)
Thomas Manns Vej 21, room C104, 9220 Aalborg

Digital technologies combined with integration of buildings in the network operation are believed to make the whole energy system smarter, more efficient, and reliable and to boost the efficiency and the share of renewables in the system. In the future, digital applications might enable district energy systems to fully optimize their plant and network operation while empowering the end consumer via demand response actions. The workshop is a joined initiative of IEA EBC Annex 84 and IEA DHC TS4 (TS4 webpage)

Aim of the Workshop: 

  • to discuss the role of digitalization of the demand side as key in the green transition of DHC systemst
  • to present activities, challenges, and solutions from the industry perspective
  • to get an insight about the current commercial solutions supported by results from on-going projects
  • an overview of practical examples and barriers that can
    avoid delays and errors in setting other than Denmark


8.30: Coffee and testing of technical connections
8.45-9.00: Introduction into the Workshop (Michele Tunzi), Introduction to IEA Annex TS4 (Dietrich Schmidt), Introduction to IEA EBC Annex 84 (Anna Marszal-Pomianowska)

9.00-9.45: Block 1 – Digitalization of demand side: meter and submeters in

10.00 - 11.00 Block 2 – Digitalization of demand side: substations, hydraulics, and improved

11.30 -12.15 Block 3 – Digitalization of demand side: DH operators and house associations